About the PI

Dimitrios L. Sounas joined the ECE Department at Wayne State University as an Assistant Professor in August 2018. Before that, he was first a Postdoctoral Fellow and later a Research Scientist at the University of Texas at Austin. He has received his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering with highest honors from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, in 2009.

His major contributions can be found in the area of magnetless nonreciprocal components and have attracted significant interest from the industry and the military for inclusion in the next-generation wireless communication systems. He has contributed to the founding of Silicon Audio RF Circulator, Austin, TX, USA, specializing in the design of angular-momentum circulators for RF and acoustical systems. He has authored or co-authored 71 journal papers, 132 conference papers, two book chapters, and four patents, among which papers in highly selective journals, including science, various Nature journals, various Physical Review journals, and IEEE transactions. His current research interests include smart and active electromagnetic, optical and acoustical devices for communication, biomedical, sending or energy applications.

Dr. Sounas is a Senior Member of IEEE. He has chaired various sessions in international symposia and organized a special session about graphene devices during the EuCAP 2016 International Symposium. He has been a regular reviewer for more than 20 engineering and physics journals.


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